
8 October 2013

How to do sit ups

maaf ya semalam tak sempat nk update 
uuurmm nk demam tue yang golek2x je mlm td
sambil online FB 

ari nie pun pala sakit
mybe panas sangat cuaca
x tau dh bp liter air aku minum
kepala masih lagi berdenyut-denyut sakitnya
sabar je lah

pendek kan citer
alaaaaa x suka btl bila org tegur badan kita
tau lah badan aku dah makin mengembang
kan kan.
sedih auww
rasa mcm kena gelek stemroll
padan muka aku sendiri
sape suh melantak je kejanya
skg nie rasakan
cehwah tghari nie dh x mam nasi dah
makan tempe 
tahniahhhhh umi hani
nanti dah kurus
incik sayang kata ade hadiah misteri 
erkk ya ke???

ok sambil makan tadi berfacebook merangkap sekali gugel tentang senaman
auwww perut mcm dah munciitt je
mcm pmpn peknen 5 bulan je aku rasa
mehh tolong tumbukkan lemak aku

cara paling baik tuk kempiskan perut
kena wat sit up ok...!!!!!!!
baru buat 3x aku dh rasa mcm nk pengsan
(buang fikiran -ve tue...yakinn bolehh)
cheta pun leh wat beratus-ratus
sampai mampat monitor dia..
jahat tul aku nie


Have your knees bent and the balls of your feet and heels placed flat on the ground

Place your hands on opposing shoulders, so that your arms are crossed over your chest, or behind your head. This allows you a central rising point.

Tighten your abdominal muscles gently by drawing in your belly button to your spine.

Keeping your heels on the ground and your toes flat to the ground, slowly and gently lift your head first, followed by your shoulder bladesFocus your eyes on your bent knees, all the while gently contracting the abdominal muscles. Pull up from the floor until you're at a ninety-degree angle, or when the elbows are on, or past, the knees.

Hold the position for a second. Slowly bring the torso back to the floor but try to keep it slightly elevated off the ground. This means not to place your back flat to the ground but to keep a slight, yet relaxed, arch.{{largeimage|Do a Basic Sit Up St strength increases. Then hopefully you will lose weight, too!

ok malam nie mula gak b4 tido
sapu losyen halia banyak-banyak 
nyaahhh kooo lemakkkkk
takkkk sukaaaaa


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